Chicken and barley couscous with vegetables
This is highly appreciated couscous recipe, it consists of using barley couscous which is much more nutritious and filling than semolina couscous, the problem is that it is very difficult to prepare, yet, this recipe is going to make things very easy for you.
Here are the ingredients:
Here are the ingredients:
- 1 chicken
- 2 onions
- 5 tomatoes
- 1 bunch cilantro (attached)
- 1 can of chickpeas, cooked
- 8 carrots
- 4 potatoes
- 4 turnips
- 1 cabbage
- 2 courgettes
- 2 sweet potatoes
- 1/4 teaspoon saffron
- 1 teaspoon salt (to taste)
- 1 teaspoon pepper
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- One tablespoon of butter
- Half a squash
- 1 teaspoon ground ginger
- One kilogram of barley couscous, two bags
- 2 hot cayenne peppers
- Now for the preparation:
- In a large couscousiere, set on medium fire and add the oil, onions chopped, spices and butter
- Mix everything with a wooden spoon and cook the onion to make them a little soft
- Remove skin from chicken and cut into 4 pieces (e.g 2 breasts, 2 thighs) Do not put the wings or neck.
- Add the chicken and add the grated tomatoes
- Add warm water to the couscousiere
- Add the carrots and turnips and cook
- When the chicken is cooked, remove from the pot and place it in a bowl with a lid
- In a small saucepan, place the coriander, hot peppers, squash, zucchini, potatoes and sweet potatoes
- Take some liquid from the couscousiere where the other vegetables have cooked and pour into the small saucepan.
- Cook until tender
- Add the cabbage and cut 4 potatoes into halves (in the first pot, one where the carrots are) and cook them
- Add warm water to 3/4 of the couscous
- Add it in the top part of the steamer and cook for 20 minutes
- Remove the barley couscous and place on a large plate and add butter and salt.
- Remove the nodes with a fork, in other words, you need to fluff your couscous
- Repeat this step two times without adding salt
- Place the cooked barley couscous in a large serving tagine and put the chicken in the center and the vegetables scattered around the plate over the grains
- Pour some of the liquid from the pot on your couscous and put all the chickpeas over the vegetables
- Serve hot.
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